November Tulips

As the calendar nudged into November, I dug through nearly two inches of frozen dirt to plant tulip bulbs. I felt compelled to finish this task before I left on a flight to visit my parents in Portland. They are … Read the rest

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Adventures in Puppies

My grandchildren’s summer adventure will be to watch seven wriggling Labrador retriever puppies grow from birth to eight weeks, when they will go to live in their new people’s homes. My son’s family owns their mother, Rhubarb, who is the Read the rest

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A Book as Old as Dirt

Years ago, at Powell’s Book Store in Portland, I happened upon a used book called The Wise Garden Encyclopedia. Its weight was substantial but not unwieldy and it felt good the way some books do, to hold in my … Read the rest

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Valentine #24: A Memory

When we first stepped off the plane in Alaska nearly thirty years ago, the headline of the Anchorage Daily News announced “BUTCHER FINALLY WINS IT!” It was the first year Susan Butcher won the Iditarod (’86) and we were immediately … Read the rest

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