The Tyranny of Snow
Adds to the weight
Of this winter.
Skiing through the marsh,
Slender spruce trees
Bow beneath their burden.
Stooped old women,
Curled into themselves.
Flake by pure-driven flake,
It is not one but the many
Small injustices that
Bend these trees over time.
Break some of them.
How can something light
As a perfect crystal,
Accumulate into
Oppression? Like
Letters, formed into
Words, formed into
Ideas, onerous enough to
Bend low the life beneath them.
A pine grosbeak lands lightly on a
Heavy-laden branch.
Small feet
Disrupt the fragile weave
Releasing an avalanche.
The only sound a
Whispered breath of snow.
Hope comes unexpectedly.
A flutter of wing.
The stir of wind.
A tiny beating heart.
What some of us have been feeling put into a beautiful selection of words. Thank you Kaylene.